Вот что называется прилетело - открывай. Песенка, которая навеяла, внизу.
Может, накосячила где, звиняйте. Если ткнёте - поправлю)
Ballads of flying fishкак обычно - пестня, но без музыки
Do you hear? In this silence, only heart-beats are heard.
If it's heaven, then where are the planes and birds?
Fill the lungs, If it's air. Save your life-giving breath.
Cause one day you’ve to dive into infinite depth.
Listen. There’s no sound. Calm water keeps hush.
Guess words by shades of color, taste and smell of sagebrush.
Where there’s no top and bottom, any movement is flight.
In the darkness, my vision is replaced by foresight.
Ou-oo no sound, no voice
/no noise/
If you can still, rejoice, rejoice
Ou-oo no sense, no wish
Listen to the ballads of flying fish
Look, I'm no longer choking, cause I have grown gills.
Inanition makes us someone else or kills.
And it doesn’t matter that there are no wings.
Skeletons without feathers slowly turn into fins.
And it makes no difference, it’s the ocean or space.
So, it can be a judgment or can be holy grace.
Let your eyes be closed and no one will read lips.
But I know how many ballads calm water keeps.