Ведьма или ангел, птица или зверь, - вернись, я оставлю открытым окно и незапертой дверь...(с)
«Hello guy! What is your morning mood?» -
One time I asked the mirror on the wall.
I thought it wouldn’t answer me at all.
And it was silent, but I understood:
I see the angel through the crystal glass.
The summer sky lives in his dreamy eyes,
As if the earth turned into paradise.
His inner shine illumines both of us.
Why do you have my features? Who are you?
Maybe I'm dreaming and it only seems?
We’re different in essence, but like twins.
I peer into the mirror-smooth anew.
You copy me, but I can’t be the same.
I don’t let feelings go beyond my mind.
My sight is astute, but the soul is blind.
I don’t believe the words that others say.
I think that my reflection is the clue.
But I'm a falcon, and he is a dove.
He looks in silence with regret and love.
Tell me, whom do you see in front of you?
давай, лама давай, давай открывай свой англо-русский словарь)))
One time I asked the mirror on the wall.
I thought it wouldn’t answer me at all.
And it was silent, but I understood:
I see the angel through the crystal glass.
The summer sky lives in his dreamy eyes,
As if the earth turned into paradise.
His inner shine illumines both of us.
Why do you have my features? Who are you?
Maybe I'm dreaming and it only seems?
We’re different in essence, but like twins.
I peer into the mirror-smooth anew.
You copy me, but I can’t be the same.
I don’t let feelings go beyond my mind.
My sight is astute, but the soul is blind.
I don’t believe the words that others say.
I think that my reflection is the clue.
But I'm a falcon, and he is a dove.
He looks in silence with regret and love.
Tell me, whom do you see in front of you?
давай, лама давай, давай открывай свой англо-русский словарь)))
что-то меня растащило на английские тексты в последнее время)