Ведьма или ангел, птица или зверь, - вернись, я оставлю открытым окно и незапертой дверь...(с)
Ну, собственно, я продолжаю в том же духе. Пока прёт и интересно. Пренебречь, вальсируем!
Came out from the deepness of the sea
Like salty waves, disturbances of space,
We spread away as far as you can see,
But we mark no path and no trace.
We’re born of water, equal all-in-one,
But our nascence did not change it quite.
Non-stop we chase each other, run and run,
Concealing salt of drops and gale’s might.
Not once together, all the time around
Run to collide awhile near the shore.
And here, having kissed the sandy ground,
We run away without meeting more.
And only memories we took with us,
And sea's boons we raised and brought here,
Will serve as evidence of our fuss.
So, every time waves vanish and appear.
Came out from the deepness of the sea
Like salty waves, disturbances of space,
We spread away as far as you can see,
But we mark no path and no trace.
We’re born of water, equal all-in-one,
But our nascence did not change it quite.
Non-stop we chase each other, run and run,
Concealing salt of drops and gale’s might.
Not once together, all the time around
Run to collide awhile near the shore.
And here, having kissed the sandy ground,
We run away without meeting more.
And only memories we took with us,
And sea's boons we raised and brought here,
Will serve as evidence of our fuss.
So, every time waves vanish and appear.